Community Park Little League Umpires Edmonton Baseball

Make the Call to Umpire

Looking for a fun and rewarding way to stay involved in baseball? Becoming a Little League umpire is a great opportunity! You’ll play a vital role in teaching kids the fundamentals of the game, helping them grow in sportsmanship, and creating a positive, fair playing environment. Not only will you stay active, but you’ll also gain valuable decision-making skills and experience a new side of the game. Join the team and make a real difference in the lives of young athletes—plus, it’s a great way to enjoy the sport you love!

Being an umpire is ideal for teens who are still playing ball themselves and need a flexible schedule, and for adults who want to stay involved in Little League.

If you would like to umpire for the 2025 season, please CONTACT US.

Who Can be an Umpire?

To become a Little League umpire, there are a few key requirements:

  1. Age: Men and women aged 13+ may become an umpire with CPLL.
  2. Training: Umpires must attend preseason training provided by the league.
  3. Knowledge of the Game: A strong understanding of the rules of baseball is essential. As an umpire, you’ll be expected to make accurate calls and manage the game fairly.
  4. Communication Skills: Umpires need to be able to effectively communicate with players, coaches, and parents. Maintaining authority, handling disputes calmly, and keeping the game running smoothly are all part of the role.
  5. Commitment: You’ll need to be available for scheduled games, which can include evenings and weekends; however this schedule can be flexible to work with your availability.

2025 Umpire Pay Rates

Level Experience Rate Per Game
1 < 1 Year $35
2 1-2 Years $45
3 3-4 Years $55
4 > 5 Years $60
Pixie Pirates Baseball Edmonton

Umpire Training

2025 In-Person Training Dates:

The following three Umpire Clinics are being facilitated by CPLL.
It is highly encouraged that all current and prospective umpires attend as many of these sessions as possible prior to umpiring for the 2025 season.

Please CONTACT US if you would like to attend. 

Location: Edmonton Garrison Field House
185 Hwy 28A, Lancaster Park, AB

February 23rd – 5:00 – 7:30 pm, Edmonton Garrison Field House
Topics will include: Building rapport, survey, starting games ie: pre-game, plate conference, lineup cards, non-violent communication skills, signals, etc.

March 16th 5:30 – 7:30 pm, Edmonton Garrison Field House
Topics will include: Mechanics, slot, rules, etc.

April 13th – 5:30 – 7:30 pm, Edmonton Garrison Field House
Topics include: Questions and answers, conflict resolution, psychology, mechanics, etc.

The following 3-day Umpire Clinic will be facilitated by Edmonton Little League, District 2
and attendance is MANDATORY for all current and prospective umpires.
If you do not attend this clinic, you will not be able to umpire for the 2025 season.

Register before March 31st to receive a free gift!


This clinic will cover:

  • Rules, game management, and handling conflicts
  • Plate mechanics
  • Base mechanics and positioning
  • Pregame/play meetings
  • Communication and timing


Friday, April 25 – 6:00 – 9:00 pm
(5:30 pm check-in)
1st year umpires only 

Saturday, April 26 – 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
(8:30 am check-in)
1st, 2nd and 3rd year umpires
Lunch provided

Sunday, April 27 – 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
(8:30 am check-in)
4th year umpires and up
Lunch provided


Ottewell Community League
5920 93a Ave NW, Edmonton

Little League University

Online umpire training is also available through Little League University.

Little League Rules

Umpires both current and prospective, please familiarize yourself with the most recent Little League Rules.

LL Edmonton District 2 Rules Summary

Each year, Little League Edmonton, District 2, releases updated District 2 rules.

Click here to view – 2024 Edmonton District 2 Rules Summary.pdf

Little League Rulebook

Umpires and prospective umpires are encouraged to review the Little League Rulebook to ensure they are up-to-date with the most recent Little League rules. You can download the Rulebook App for free here: